E-Journal Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Jurnal Teknoinfo

Jurnal Teknoinfo is a peer-reviewed scientific Open Access journal that published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This Journal is built with the aim to expand and create innovation concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and methodologies in the sciences of Informatics Engineering. The articles published in this journal can be the result of conceptual thinking, ideas, innovation, creativity, best practices, book review and research results that have been done.  Jurnal Teknoinfo publishes scientific articles twice a year in  January and July. The Jurnal Teknoinfo already has P-ISSN: 1693-0010 and E-ISSN: 2615-224X .
Jurnal Teknoinfo is Accredited “Rank 4”(Peringkat 4) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 10/E/KPT/2019, April 04th 2019

The study of other sciences that examine topics related to Informatics Engineering is not limited to: Mobile Application, Technopreneur, Cloud Computing, Customer Relationship Management, Database Management, Web Application, Semantic, E-Learning, Game Development, Multimedia Application, Industrial Engineering, Cluster Computing, Intelligent System, Data Mining, Expert System, Software Engineering, Operating System, Data Center, Bioinformatics, Network and Security, Computer Network, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Decision Support System, Neural Network, Paralel Processing, Animation, Computer Graphic, Information Security.

The submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Double-Blind Peer Review. In this system authors do not know who the reviewer is, and the reviewers do not know whose work they are evaluating.
Before submission, please  make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal  Paper Template.

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Jurnal Tekno Kompak

Cover Jurnal Tekno Kompak

Jurnal Tekno Kompak is an open access and periodical journal dedicated to publishing the results of studies and original research in the field of Information Systems and Computer Accounting. This journal aims to expand and create innovative concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives, and methodologies in its disciplines.

The articles published in Jurnal Tekno Kompak can be the result of conceptual thinking, ideas, innovation, creativity, best practices, book reviews, and original research results. It is published biannually every February and August.

Jurnal Tekno Kompak has P-ISSN: 1412-9663 and E-ISSN: 2656-3525 and is a SINTA 4 accredited scientific journal.

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Starting from the publication of volume 23 number 2 of 2025, the Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra is migrating from OJS 2 to OJS 3, If you are interested in submitting please click the following link: https://publikasi.teknokrat.ac.id/index.php/teknosastik


Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (P-ISSN: 1412-9655; E-ISSN: 2656-6842) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of linguistics, literature, and language teaching and learning. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and book reviews.The scopes of this journal include the following topic areas:

- Literature
- Language Studies
- Linguistics
- Second Language Aquisition Theory
- Curriculum in Language Learning
- Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning

Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra is published twice a year (January and July) and it is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author.

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TECHNOBIZ : International Journal of Business

TECHNOBIZ: International Journal of Business is an open access journal and a media publishing scientific article on innovation study in the fields of economics and business in general such as public and monetary economics, regional financial economics, environmental economics, financial, marketing, business, human resource, financial accounting , management accounting, public sector accounting, behavioural issue in accounting, auditing, accounting education, corporate governance, accounting and information systems, environmental accounting, banking and finance, capital markets and corporate governance. This journal accepts articles in English and Indonesian.

TECHNOBIZ : International Journal of Business already has :
E-ISSN: 2655-3457 (online)
* ISSN: 2722-3566 (cetak)

Online Submissions
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Journal of Infrastructural in Civil Engineering

ISSN (ONLINE) : 2774-7239

URL: https://ejurnal.teknokrat.ac.id/index.php/jice

Journal of Infrastructural in Civil Engineering (JICE) is a journal published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal is organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of Civil Engineering including Hydraulic, Structures, Transportation and Construction of Management. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and review articles. 

This journal published twice a year (Juli and Januari) and it is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the use of his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author. 

The submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Single Blind Peer Review. In this type of peer review, the author does not know who the reviewers are.

Online Submissions
Already have a Username/Password for JICE? Go to Login.
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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Mathema: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (E-ISSN:  2686-5823, P-ISSN: 2722-1466) is a single peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and book reviews.The scopes of this journal include the following topic areas:

- Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- Mathematics Curriculum Development
- Mathematics Teacher Education
- Educational Technology of Mathematics

Sinta 3. Mathema has been indexed and accredited by Sinta 3 by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 204/E/KPT/2022

Mathema: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika is published twice a year (January and July) and it is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the use of his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author.

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Journal ICTEE


ISSN (Online) : 2746-7481

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

ICTEE (Engineering Journals of Information, control, telecommunication and electrical), menyediakan forum untuk berbagai studi ilmiah. ICTEE mencakup semua aspek Elektronik dan Instrumentasi termasuk Elektronika dan Teknik Instrumentasi.
Makalah yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini belum, dan tidak akan dipublikasikan di tempat lain.Makalah dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia, namun makalah dalam bahasa Inggris diutamakan.

Baca pedoman dan template jurnal ini dengan cermat. Penulis yang ingin menyerahkan naskah mereka ke ICTEE (Engineering Journals of Information, Control, Telecommunication and Electrical) harus mematuhi pedoman penulisan.

Jika naskah yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan pedoman atau ditulis dalam format yang berbeda, maka naskah tersebut akan DITOLAK oleh editor sebelum ditinjau lebih lanjut. Para editor hanya akan menerima naskah yang memenuhi format yang ditetapkan.

ICTEE diterbitkan dua kali setiap tahun, Mei dan November oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro dibawah Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Bandarlampung, Lampung.
Open Journal Systems (OJS) diterapkan untuk semua proses bisnis di ICTEE.

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Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS)

Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. The ABDIMAS Journal accommodates the publication of the results of Community Service activities carried out by Lecturers as a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is an electronic journal that is professionally managed using the Open Journal System, published 2 times a year, in March and September.

We proudly announce that the Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is Accredited “Rank 5”(Peringkat 5) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 204/E/KPT/2022, October 3rd, 2022.

Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows.

Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) already has P-ISSN : 2723-455X and E-ISSN : 2723-2026.

Online Submission

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TELEFORTECH : Journal of Telematics and Information Technology

ISSN (Online) : 2774-5384
URL : https://ejurnal.teknokrat.ac.id/index.php/telefortech

is a peer-reviewed scientific Open Access journal published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal was built with the aim to expand and create concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and understanding of information technology, networks and telecommunications, security, digital forensics. Articles published in this journal can be the result of conceptual discussions, ideas, innovation, creativity, best practices, book reviews, and the results of research that has been done.

Jurnal TELEFORTECH publishes scientific articles twice a year in Januari and Juli. The submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Blind Peer Review. In this type of peer review the author does not know who the reviewers are. Before submission, please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal Paper Template.

Online Submissions
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Need a username/password? GO TO REGISTRATION.  Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi

Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi (JDMSI) is a peer-reviewed scientific Open Access journal that published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This Journal is built with the aim to expand and create innovation concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and methodologies in the sciences of Information System. The articles published in this journal can be the result of conceptual thinking, ideas, innovation, creativity, best practices, book review and research results that have been done. JDMSI publishes scientific articles twice a year in February and August
The submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Single Blind Peer Review. In this type of peer review the author does not know who the reviewers are.
Before submission, please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal Paper Template. Since volume 2, number 2, JDMSI has changed the article format, which originally used double columns to become a single column.

Online Submissions
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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Journal of Research on Language Education


Journal of Research on Language Education (E-ISSN: 2723-5092 P-ISSN: 2809-4271) is a peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of linguistics, literature, and language teaching and learning. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and book reviews. The scopes of this journal include the following topic areas:

- Literature
- Language Studies
- Linguistics
- Second Language Acquisition Theory
- Curriculum in Language Learning
- Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning

Journal of Research on Language Education is published biannually (January and July) and is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the use of his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author.

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Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Tertanam

Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Tertanam (JTST) is a media publishing scientific article on innovation study in Computer Engineering and Systems, published by    Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and organized by S1 Computer Engineering.
JTST publication article focuses on a number of major researches including computing algorithms, embedded systems, processor design, sensor networks, and internet of things.
The submitted manuscript written in Indonesian, which will then be carried out by peer-to-peer review process by at least three reputable reviewers (Mitra Bestari). Article publishing is done regularly, ie twice a year in Februari and Agustus.
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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