Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. The ABDIMAS Journal accommodates the publication of the results of Community Service activities carried out by Lecturers as a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is an electronic journal that is professionally managed using the Open Journal System, published 2 times a year, in March and September. We proudly announce that the Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service is Accredited “Rank 5”(Peringkat 5) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 204/E/KPT/2022, October 3rd, 2022. Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows. Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) already has P-ISSN : 2723-455X and E-ISSN : 2723-2026. Online Submission Do you have a username/password for the Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS)? GO TO LOGIN. Need username/password? GO TO REGISTRATION. |

Migration Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) |
Migration Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) | |
Posted: 2025-03-05 | More... |
Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service Accredited |
Dear Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service contributors, |
Posted: 2022-12-22 | |
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Vol 5, No 2 (2024): Volume 5, Nomor 2, September 2024
Table of Contents
Elsa Ariestika, I Putu Agus Dharma Hita, Doni Pranata, Nur Fadly Alamsyah, Avi Valentri, Fitri Agung Nanda
Dewi Christa Kobis, Stephani Sigarlaki, Rina Pamantung
Asep Rahman, Aditya Lapu Kalua, Lianly Rompis
Aditya Lapu Kalua, Maharani Margareth Massie Hihola, Rama Ijon Turnip, Gabriell Cristiano Agung Taroreh, Christian Ronaldo Henry Tampi, Delon Daniel Wolayan, Kurniawan Soleman, Sanriomi Sintaro
Luh Made Wisnu Satyaninggrat, Deli Yansyah
Syaddam Syaddam
Suyahman Suyahman, Kintung Prayitno, Genta Pratama, Muhammad Kunta Biddinika, Anton Yudhana
Yunda Heningtyas, Rizky Prabowo, M.Iqbal parabi, Tristiyanto Tristiyanto
Ridho Sholehurrohman, Aristoteles Aristoteles, Heri Satria, Mulyono Mulyono, Junaidi Junaidi
Aditya Lapu Kalua, Wisard Widsli Kalengkongan, Djoni Hatidja, Jaidun Ramadhan Kaplale, Natassya Klarissa Ribka Mapalie, Irfah Syagitsyah Iriansu, Sanriomi Sintaro
Prasis Damai Nursyam Hamijaya, Luh Made Wisnu Satyaninggrat, Khairunnisa Rahmah
Styawati Styawati, Selamet Samsugi, Lathifa Indraningtyas, Rezi Dwi Agustian, Dian Tri Saputra, Chafidz Asyad
Adhie Thyo Priandika, Very Hendra Saputra, M. Ghufroni An’ars, Dedi Darwis
A Ferico Octaviansyah Pasaribu, Febrian Eko Saputra, Novi Eka Wati, Dedi Darwis
Yuningsih Yuningsih, Lis Andriani, Luthfi Firdaus, Dwi Nugroho, Rafi Putra Pradipta
Angga Febrian, Nurul Husna, Imam Ahmad, Rafika Indi Qut Ratuain, Nabila Az-Zahra Najwa Amrizal, Rakha Ghoffur Azmi, Yussof Taqy Prabowo
Moh Zayyadi, Harfin Lanya, Yanti Linarsih, Muhammad Umar Mansyur, Tsalitsatur Rizqiyah, Nabillah Ayuditya Rochmadyan
Yunita Maya Putri, Ria Wierma Putri, Kasmawati Kasmawati, Selvia Oktaviana, Emilia Susanti