Sri Dianing Asri, Desi Ramayanti, Ade Dwi Putra, Yohana Tri Utami


In the digital image processing, many methods have been developed, the purpose of developing these methods is how computers can detect and recognize objects in an image with a precisely and process them in a relatively short time. Wheels are components that are always present in every vehicle, whether the vehicle is a bus, car or truck, it must have wheels with the same shape. If a wheel can be detected and recognized then the vehicle recognition and classification can be determined. This research focuses on capturing circle images, detecting wheel circles by applying Circle Hough Transformation (CHT). This transformation is able to recognize the object based on its boundaries and is resistant to noise. After obtaining the image of the circle, the next step is to classify it into Wheels and Non Wheels using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The development of the wheel circle detection model on the side view image of this vehicle can be used as one of the first steps in research on wheel-based automatic vehicle recognition and classification systems.

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