[Update 5 September 2018]
- Journal Teknoinfo was first published (vol.1, no.1, January 2007) in printed version with P-ISSN: 1693-0010.
- As of January 2016 (vol.10, no.1) it has published in the form of an OJS-based online version (Open Journal System), but does not yet have an E-ISSN.
- From the first issue (vol.1, no.1, January 2007) to vol.11, no.1, January 2017, the publisher's name is Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Teknokrat.
- Starting vol.11, no.2, July 2017 has undergone a change in the name of the publisher is Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.
- In issue vol.12, no.2, July 2018, Jurnal Teknoinfo has E-ISSN: 2615-224X.
- Journal Teknoinfo Accredited Ristek Dikti in SINTA ranking 5 starting on Vol.11 No.1 January 2017.
[Update 30 Mei 2019]
- Journal Teknoinfo increase the ranking of Ristek Dikti Accreditation in the ranking SINTA 4 start on Vol.13 No.1 January 2019 with number SK: 10/E/KPT/2019
[Update 3 April 2020]
- The template paper in Jurnal Teknoinfo has been revised, namely the existence of Abstract in English and Indonesian.
[Update 28 December 2021]
- Starting from Volume 16 Number 2 in Year 2022, the length of submitted paper is at least 8 pages and no more than 15 pages.
- Starting from Volume 16 Number 2 in Year 2022, the Journal of Tekno Info uses the Latest Template.
[Update 16 January 2024]
- Since 2024, the publication fee for the Jurnal TeknoInfo will be Rp. 400,000