
Jurnal Teknoinfo Migration


Starting from the publication of volume 19 number 2 of 2025, the Jurnal Teknoinfo is migrating from OJS 2 to OJS 3, If you are interested in submitting please click the following link:

Posted: 2025-02-01

Jurnal Teknoinfo Accredited


Dear Jurnal Teknoinfo contributors,

We proudly announce that Jurnal Teknoinfo is Accredited “Rank 4”(Peringkat 4) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 10/E/KPT/2019, April 04th 2019.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to contribute to Jurnal Teknoinfo as a helpful research open source by sending highly qualified paper.

Thank You

Posted: 2019-04-25