Table of Contents
Analysis of Student's Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Open-Ended Problems in Terms of Cognitive Style
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.3176
Nabilla Nur Amanah, Siti Inganah
Systematic Literature Review: The Influence of Discovery Learning Model on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4362
Kintan Wanda Aulia, Sugeng Sutiarso
Widya Rahmadini, Siti Fatimah
The Development of Children's Early Numeracy Skills in The Piaget’s Preoperational Stage
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4484
Adi Cahya Nugraha, Ishaq Nuriadin
Improvement Mathematical Concept Understanding of High School Student Through Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Quizizz
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4486
Tiara Rossa Nurfadhilah, Beni Yusepa Ginanjar Putra, Siti Maryam Rohimah
Students' Mathematical Reasoning Ability in the Use of RME Based on Gender and Student Motivation
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4487
Triana Wulandari, Farid Gunadi, Runisah Runisah
Learning Design of Quadratic Equation Using ICT to Understand the Concept and Reduce Math Anxiety
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4669
Syaiful Hamzah Nasution, Al Jupri
Development of Interactive Mathematics E-Modules Based on Local Issues with a Personalized Approach to Facilitate Junior High School Students' Computational Thinking Skills
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4670
Asria Ratau, Halima Bugis, Wa Nurmin Wagola, Julham Hukom
Improving Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model Using Augmented Reality Media
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4677
Ira Maya Okta, Abdul Halim Fathani, Fadhila Kartika Sari
An Integrated RME and PBL Mathematics E-Module for Vocational High School Learning: A Need Analysis
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4742
Argenti Agung Hayuni, Budi Murtiyasa, Nining Setyaningsih
Ethnomathematics: Exploring Lamban Pesagi to Instill the Concept of Plane Figures
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4745
Elvandri Yogi Pratama, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Turmudi Turmudi
Differentiated Learning Using ESS-MATH-Based PBL Model on Problem-Solving Ability Reviewed from Learning Style
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4791
Bagas Ardiyanto, Fery Firmansah, Tasari Tasari
Meta Analysis: Reciprocal Teaching Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4800
Ulya Ulfiyati, Mariani Scolastika, Isnaini Rosyida Mariani, Emi Pujiastuti, Mulyono Mulyono
Mathematics Learning Problem Based Learning Model in Improving Students' Mathematical Representation Ability: A Meta-Analysis
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4808
Aghnesia Rahmy, Sugeng Sutiarso
Implementing Project Based Learning in Mathematics Learning Media Course
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4812
Hajerina Hajerina, Indah Suciati, Sri Ayulinansyah, Dewi Sri Wahyuni
Analysis of TPS Learning (Think, Pair, Share) Based on Differentiation Process on Students' Numeration Abilities
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4814
Aulia Febi Dwi Cahyani, Siti Nuriyatin, Intan Bigita Kusumawati
Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Based on Pedagogic Analysis of Mathematics Learning
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4818
Siti Patunah, Tatang Herman
The Role of Interactive e-Modules Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Mathematical Representation Ability
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4844
Dewi Annisa, Cut Khairunnisak, Dwi Fadhiliani, Tuti Zubaidah
Development of E-Module Assisted with Augmented Reality Integrated STEAM to Improve Students' Creative and Critical Thinking Abilities
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4857
Susilawati Susilawati
Integrating Realistic Mathematics Education With Islamic Values: A Statistics Module for Grade X Students
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4864
Ayus Riana Isnawati, Indira Pusparani Hardianti, Riska Ayu Ardani
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in Batik Pandanwangi as a Source of Contextual Learning
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4865
Rani Sugiarni, Widya Sari, Elsa Adetia, Dara Septia Azmy
Ethnomathematics in Traditional Farming Systems in Pegalongan Village, Patikraja
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4882
Idhata Nurbaiti, Kusno Kusno
Design of the Mathsolve Learning Media with a Problem-Solving Approach by Schoenfeld on Sequences and Series Material
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4883
Intan Pramuditya Hartanti, Eko Andy Purnomo, Abdul Aziz
Creative Thinking Ability of Mathematics Students in Solving Geometry Problems Viewed of Adversity Quotient
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.5056
Ikha Yuliati, Dwi Juniati, Siti Khabibah
Narratives of the Experiences of Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers in Learning Mathematics and Their Relationship with Their Beliefs in Mathematics Teaching
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4680
Dhitta Puti Sarasvati Ramli, Aulia Masruroh, Nurma Tambunan