Mathema: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (E-ISSN: 2686-5823, P-ISSN: 2722-1466) is a single peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate and promote the dissemination of scholarly information on research and development in the field of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The articles published in this journal can be the result of research, conceptual thinking, ideas, innovations, best practices, and book reviews.The scopes of this journal include the following topic areas:
- Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- Mathematics Curriculum Development
- Mathematics Teacher Education
- Educational Technology of Mathematics
Sinta 3. Mathema has been indexed and accredited by Sinta 3 by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 204/E/KPT/2022
Mathema: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika is published twice a year (January and July) and it is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the use of his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Dear all readers,
We are very proud to publish the Journal Mathema 6 (1) 2024 (E-ISSN: 2686-5823, P-ISSN: 2722-1466).
We also welcome research-based articles related to Mathematics Education for the next edition.
Submission Deadline:
March 31, 2024.
Posted: 2025-03-04 | More... |
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Vol 7, No 1 (2025): MATHEMA
Table of Contents
Analysis of Student's Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Open-Ended Problems in Terms of Cognitive Style
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.3176
Nabilla Nur Amanah, Siti Inganah
Systematic Literature Review: The Influence of Discovery Learning Model on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4362
Kintan Wanda Aulia, Sugeng Sutiarso
Widya Rahmadini, Siti Fatimah
The Development of Children's Early Numeracy Skills in The Piaget’s Preoperational Stage
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4484
Adi Cahya Nugraha, Ishaq Nuriadin
Improvement Mathematical Concept Understanding of High School Student Through Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Quizizz
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4486
Tiara Rossa Nurfadhilah, Beni Yusepa Ginanjar Putra, Siti Maryam Rohimah
Students' Mathematical Reasoning Ability in the Use of RME Based on Gender and Student Motivation
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4487
Triana Wulandari, Farid Gunadi, Runisah Runisah
Learning Design of Quadratic Equation Using ICT to Understand the Concept and Reduce Math Anxiety
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4669
Syaiful Hamzah Nasution, Al Jupri
Development of Interactive Mathematics E-Modules Based on Local Issues with a Personalized Approach to Facilitate Junior High School Students' Computational Thinking Skills
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4670
Asria Ratau, Halima Bugis, Wa Nurmin Wagola, Julham Hukom
Improving Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model Using Augmented Reality Media
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4677
Ira Maya Okta, Abdul Halim Fathani, Fadhila Kartika Sari
An Integrated RME and PBL Mathematics E-Module for Vocational High School Learning: A Need Analysis
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4742
Argenti Agung Hayuni, Budi Murtiyasa, Nining Setyaningsih
Ethnomathematics: Exploring Lamban Pesagi to Instill the Concept of Plane Figures
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4745
Elvandri Yogi Pratama, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Turmudi Turmudi
Differentiated Learning Using ESS-MATH-Based PBL Model on Problem-Solving Ability Reviewed from Learning Style
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4791
Bagas Ardiyanto, Fery Firmansah, Tasari Tasari
Meta Analysis: Reciprocal Teaching Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4800
Ulya Ulfiyati, Mariani Scolastika, Isnaini Rosyida Mariani, Emi Pujiastuti, Mulyono Mulyono
Mathematics Learning Problem Based Learning Model in Improving Students' Mathematical Representation Ability: A Meta-Analysis
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4808
Aghnesia Rahmy, Sugeng Sutiarso
Implementing Project Based Learning in Mathematics Learning Media Course
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4812
Hajerina Hajerina, Indah Suciati, Sri Ayulinansyah, Dewi Sri Wahyuni
Analysis of TPS Learning (Think, Pair, Share) Based on Differentiation Process on Students' Numeration Abilities
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4814
Aulia Febi Dwi Cahyani, Siti Nuriyatin, Intan Bigita Kusumawati
Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Based on Pedagogic Analysis of Mathematics Learning
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4818
Siti Patunah, Tatang Herman
The Role of Interactive e-Modules Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Mathematical Representation Ability
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4844
Dewi Annisa, Cut Khairunnisak, Dwi Fadhiliani, Tuti Zubaidah
Development of E-Module Assisted with Augmented Reality Integrated STEAM to Improve Students' Creative and Critical Thinking Abilities
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4857
Susilawati Susilawati
Integrating Realistic Mathematics Education With Islamic Values: A Statistics Module for Grade X Students
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4864
Ayus Riana Isnawati, Indira Pusparani Hardianti, Riska Ayu Ardani
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in Batik Pandanwangi as a Source of Contextual Learning
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4865
Rani Sugiarni, Widya Sari, Elsa Adetia, Dara Septia Azmy
Ethnomathematics in Traditional Farming Systems in Pegalongan Village, Patikraja
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4882
Idhata Nurbaiti, Kusno Kusno
Design of the Mathsolve Learning Media with a Problem-Solving Approach by Schoenfeld on Sequences and Series Material
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4883
Intan Pramuditya Hartanti, Eko Andy Purnomo, Abdul Aziz
Creative Thinking Ability of Mathematics Students in Solving Geometry Problems Viewed of Adversity Quotient
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.5056
Ikha Yuliati, Dwi Juniati, Siti Khabibah
Narratives of the Experiences of Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers in Learning Mathematics and Their Relationship with Their Beliefs in Mathematics Teaching
DOI : 10.33365/jm.v7i1.4680
Dhitta Puti Sarasvati Ramli, Aulia Masruroh, Nurma Tambunan