Evaluasi Efikasi dan Kontrol Locus Pengguna Teknologi Sistem Basis Data Akuntansi

Fikri Hamidy


This research aims to empirically investigate the
influences of the personality factors towards the students’
intention to use the database software at the computerized
accounting vocational colleges in Lampung province. In
order to answer the hypotheses, this research applies a
survey study with 301 computerized accounting vocational
students. Based on these samples I test using structural
equation modeling of AMOS™ (Analysis of Moment
Structure) software.
The result of the study indicates that the
estimations of the regression weights coefficient,
standardized regression weights and critical ratio, has
led to the conclusion that statistically, the first hypothesis
is not supported whereas the second hypothesis is
statistically supported. In conclusion, , based on the low
score of the standardized regression wights coefficient, it
can be concluded thus, that the students’ intention to use
the database software at the computerized accounting
vocational colleges in Lampung Province is relatively
Key Words : personality, intention, database

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jti.v11i2.25


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