imam husni al amin, Awan Aprilino


Currently, vehicle number plate detection systems in general still use the manual method. This will take a lot of time and human effort. Thus, an automatic vehicle number plate detection system is needed because the number of vehicles that continues to increase will burden human labor. In addition, the methods used for vehicle number plate detection still have low accuracy because they depend on the characteristics of the object being used. This study develops a YOLO-based automatic vehicle number plate detection system. The dataset used is a pretrained YOLOv3 model of 700 data. Then proceed with the number plate text extraction process using the Tesseract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) library and the results obtained will be stored in the database. This system is web-based and API so that it can be used online and on the cross-platform. The test results show that the automatic number plate detection system reaches 100% accuracy with sufficient lighting and a threshold of 0.5 and for the results using the Tesseract library, the detection results are 92.32% where the system is successful in recognizing all characters on the license plates of cars and motorcycles. in the form of Alphanumeric characters of 7-8 characters.

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