Identification of Venation Type Based on Venation Density using Digital Image Processing
Leaf venation is one biometric feature of leaves that have an important role in growth processes of the plant, and to determine the relationship of the plant physiology and the environment in which plants grow. At every different environment, plants have different types of leaf venation. It can be seen from the level of the leaf vein density. In this study, the feature of leaf vein density was used to identify the leaves based on venation type. The venation density features obtained from segmentation, vein detection, and density feature extraction of leaf venation. Identification of the venation type was made using the artificial neural network (ANN). The results of this study indicate that the proposed method can classify the leaf correctly image based on the venation type. On the dataset with 324 samples, the accuracy of 82.71% was obtained. This shows that the leaf vein density features allow use as a plant identifier.
Keywords: leaf vein density, vein detection, density feature extraction, artificial neural network
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