Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Tertanam

Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Tertanam (JTST) is a media publishing scientific article on innovation study in Computer Engineering and Systems, published by    Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and organized by S1 Computer Engineering.
JTST publication article focuses on a number of major researches including computing algorithms, embedded systems, processor design, sensor networks, and internet of things.
The submitted manuscript written in Indonesian, which will then be carried out by peer-to-peer review process by at least three reputable reviewers (Mitra Bestari). Article publishing is done regularly, ie twice a year in Februari and Agustus.
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Vol 5, No 2 (2024): Vol 5 No 02, Agustus 2024

Table of Contents


Muhammad Faishol Amrulloh, Walidini Syaihul Huda, Achmad Syahrialdi Noor Akmal
Maulana Setia Aji, Rahmi Hidayati, Kartika Sari
Styawati Styawati, Syahirul Alim, M. Ibnu Al Faroqi, Rizki Devi Anggita
Muhammad Mahrus Ali
Siska Retnowati, Muhammad Syarwani, Muhammad Faishol Amrulloh