Debby Alita, Indah Sari, Auliya Rahman Isnain, Styawati Styawati


Scholarships are the provision of assistance in the form of financial assistance provided to individuals with the aim of being used for the sustainability of the education achieved. The problem that occurs in this research is that the process of determining which is still carried out conventionally the student section must check one by one the scholarship application files submitted by students because each data will be compared one by one according to predetermined criteria, which results in the student section becoming difficult in the decision so that It takes a long time, therefore we need a decision support system that can help schools make decisions about scholarship recipients.

The Naive Bayes Classifier method is a method that can be used in decision making to get better results on a classification problem. The purpose of this study is to build a scholarship recipient decision support system using the Naïve Bayes Classifier method. In this study, a problem analysis was carried out using PIECES analysis and for the system development method using.

The result of this research is that applying the naïve Bayes method to the scholarship recipient's decision support system can assist the school in determining the scholarship recipient more quickly and accurately. The scholarship recipient's decision support system was built using the Java programming language and MySQL database.


Keyword: Decision Support Systems, Naïve Bayes Classifier, Waterfall, Blackbox Testing, PIECES

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