This research aimed to determine the effect of the different methods of regular drill and combination drill a high and low hand-eyes coordination exercise on the accuracy of a badminton athlete's jumping smash. This research was an experimental research with 2 x 2 factorial design. The research sample was 20 athletes in PB. ABS and PB. Indoraya Wonosobo, taken with a random sampling technique of 37 athletes. Instrument for measuring the jumping smash was a Forehand Smash Test. The instrument for measuring the hand-eyes coordination was a throw and catch a tenis ball test. Data analysis technique used was two-ways ANAVA at significant level α = 0.05. The results of the research are as follows. (1) There were significant differences in the effect of regular drill and combination drill method exercise on the accuracy of the athlete's badminton jumping smash. (2) There was a significant difference of influence of players who had the high hand-eyes coordination and the low hand-eyes coordination on the accuracy of the jumping smash. (3) There was a significant interaction between the regular drill and the combination drill exercise method and the high and low hand-eyes coordination on the accuracy of the athlete's jumping smash
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