Utilizing an Interactive Website for Elementary School Students to Learn about the Universe

Ninik Agustin, M. Khanif, Mochamad Taufiqurrochman Abdul Aziz Zein, Safiq Rosad, Martanti Martanti, Nofriani Azizaturrohmah, Aldika Gagah Prasetyo, Nicky Atikah Zhalifunnas


Students in 6th-grade MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01 are not well informed about websites and using interactive websites to support their studies. One of the interactive websites is The Scale of The Universe. The website contains one of the materials at school that already being recognized by students, such as science material of the universe subchapter. This community services intended to improve the ability of 6th-grade students of MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01 to use interactive web technology and increase students' interest in studying through technology. This community service activity implemented through four phase which are the pre-implementation, the implementation, the monitoring and evaluation, and the post-service phase. The training conducted for the participants used the interactive website "The Scale of The Universe" which has interactions such as zoom-in and zoom-out sequentially to compare the size of objects in the universe, including interactions by clicking an objects to get their descriptions. In addition, there are click and voice control features that help to increase user interest. The results of the training showed three indicators of improvement. There was a 24% improvement in elementary school students' understanding of the difference between computers that are connected or not to the internet. There was an 8% improvement in elementary school students' knowledge of what a website is. Also, there was a 26% improvement in the ability to access the website.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33365/jsstcs.v5i1.3990


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Copyright (c) 2024 Ninik Agustin, M Khanif, Mochamad Taufiqurrochman Abdul Aziz Zein, Safiq Rosad, Martanti, Nofriani Azizaturrohmah, Aldika Gagah Prasetyo, Nicky Atikah Zhalifunnas

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