Pengajaran English for Product Marketing di SMK Maarif NU 1 Purbolinggo

Budi Eko Pranoto, Samanik Samanik, Suprayogi Suprayogi, Risma Amalia Saadah


Abstrak−Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan English for Product Marketing untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis iklan berbahasa Inggris terhadap siswa kelas XI SMK Maarif NU Prubolinggo. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan institusional dan pendekatan partisipatif. Populasi dalam pengabdian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Maarif NU Prubolinggo berjumlah 30 siswa. Terdapat dua kali pengambilan data, yang pertama adalah pre-test (sebelum pelatihan English for Product Marketing) dan post-test (setelah pelatihan English for Product Marketing). Pada tahap analisis, data diolah secara kuantitatif dan dijabarkan secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, temuan menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan English for Product Marketing dengan menggunakan metode partisipatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis dan pemahaman siswa tentang iklan berbahasa Inggris yang persuasif, sehingga berguna untuk mempromosikan produk mereka.

Kata Kunci: SMK; ESP; Pemasaran

Abstract−This social service aims to provide English for Product Marketing training to improve the skills of writing English advertisements for class XI students of SMK Maarif NU Prubolinggo. This social service activity is carried out using a qualitative method through an institutional approach and a participatory approach. The population in program is class XI students of SMK Maarif NU Prubolinggo totaling 30 students. There were two data collection times, the first was the pre-test (before the English for Product Marketing training) and the post-test (after the English for Product Marketing training). At the analysis stage, the data is processed quantitatively and described qualitatively. Based on the results of the analysis, the findings show that English for Product Marketing training using participatory methods can improve students' writing skills and understanding of persuasive English advertising, so that it is useful for promoting their products.

Keywords: Vocational High School; ESP; Marketing

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Copyright (c) 2023 : Budi Eko Pranoto, Samanik Samanik, Suprayogi Suprayogi, Risma Amalia Saadah

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Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS)
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