Information Technology Training Towards Digital MSMEs (Collaboration with the Bangli District Cooperative and MSMEs office)

I Made Dwi Hita Darmawan


The transformation of information technology is so rapid that it spurs MSMEs to be adaptive to the transformation of digital MSMEs. The main problem of MSMEs in Bangli today is the less than optimal utilization of digital technology such as social media, e-commerce and the use of artificial intelligence. In fact, in the current era, everything becomes more practical if you are capable and adaptive in using these various platforms to support MSME business processes. Moving on to answer the challenges of this problem, the Bangli Regency Cooperative and MSME Office collaborated with STMIK Primakara to organize information technology training to provide insight and tips for MSMEs to do their business. Finally, based on the evaluation results of the Pre-Test and Post-Test, it shows an increase in insight and skills of MSME participants by 48% from 44% to 92%. It is hoped that this MSME advancement program can be sustainable to support the transformation of digital and adaptive MSMEs.

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Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS)
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