Pengukuran Zoho Books berdasarkan metode Functionality, Usability, Performance, Reliability dan Supportability

Graciella Prayitna


This research evaluates Zoho Books software by measuring the Functionality, Usability, Performance, Reliability dan Supportability aspects. The research objective was to assess the capabilities, ease of use, and performance of Zoho Books in meeting the accounting needs of small to medium businesses. Research methods involve feature analysis, user testing, and measuring application response in a controlled environment. The research results show that Zoho Books has complete features that cover the entire accounting cycle, an intuitive interface despite limited customization, and responsive performance thanks to cloud technology. In conclusion, Zoho Books is a reliable and efficient tool for accounting management, but there is still room for improvement in terms of interface flexibility.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Graciella Prayitna

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Organized by: The S1 Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by: Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Address: ZA. Pagar Alam Street No. 9 -11, Labuhan Ratu, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia 35132
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